Python Decorator for Azure App Insights
Image by Andrea Piacquadio from In enterprise solutions, we must create the log (traces) and performance tracking entries. This can be a complicated task, especially in a multi-service cloud environment. In this blog, we will show you how to do this with Python decorator writing traces to Azure Application Insights . Azure Application Insights is the Azure de facto resource for telemetry, monitoring, observability. Traces, exceptions, event logs, etc. are captured in App Insights . And, it provides a very comprehensive query language, Kusto Query Language (KQL). Python is the primary programming language for Azure Machine Learning (AML) . There are a lot of samples and documents on Python SDK for AML . Even Guido van Rossum came out of retirement to join Microsoft. ( Creator of Python joins Microsoft, prompting speculation ) With these ( Python & Azure App Insights ) said, let's get to the core of this blog. Here we have a very tiny Azure Function written in