A Novel written by friend


Corinth 2642 AD
Corinth 2642 AD

A few days back, I have finished reading this novel. As a matter of fact, this is the first one that is written by a friend. Interestingly, the kind of feeling is completely different when reading a novel that is written by a friend.

(Not giving out too much away about this novel). Do you think mother Earth is still habitable in the future? How is life is going to be like? How do people travel? 

This novel is written by a former defense can aerospace journalist. I get a sense of how it is going to be like in the future. I have learned to treasure what I have now, especially our nicely bound books. By the way, my family members treasure books a lot. We plastic wrap our books (you may be able to tell from the picture above), no dog ears, do not press hard on the spine of the books and handle them with clean hands. 

When I was reading this novel (and I am going to read it again), apart from fascinating with the author's imaginations on how the future will be like, I was wondering why came across her mind when she wrote about certain things. Things like "baby", corporal punishment, male chauvinism, dictatorship, etc. I guess this is the thing about reading a book that is written by a friend. A friend who I have not met in person for a long because of COVID-19.

It is an interesting novel, and I learn to appreciate what I have now after reading it.
