LangGraph: The Supervisor Agent

In the previous blog, we looked at using LangGraph to link up different tools with conditional edges. In this blog, we look at using router to route messages to different agents (tools) with a supervisor node.

The source code is available here.

The fake use case is 

Advise me to keep my money in saving account if the saving interest rate higher than the CD interest rate. Otherwise, advise me to put my money in CD account.

We have created two tools, one for generating saving interest rate and another for CD rate. 

import logging
import random

from import tool

from import container

logger = container[logging.Logger]

def saving_interest_rate() -> float:
    Return the saving interest rate.
    rate = random.randrange(1, 8) / 10"[TOOL]: saving_interest_rate, {rate}")
    return rate

def cd_interest_rate() -> float:
    Return the CD interest rate.
    rate = random.randrange(1, 5) / 10"[TOOL]: cd_interest_rate, {rate}")
    return rate


And here is the main program.

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import Callable, Literal

from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage
from langgraph.graph import END, START, MessagesState, StateGraph
from langgraph.graph.graph import CompiledGraph
from langgraph.graph.state import CompiledStateGraph
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
from langgraph.types import Command
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from import container
from langgraph_supervisor.protocols.i_azure_openai_service import IAzureOpenAIService
from import cd_interest_rate, saving_interest_rate

# above are the imports. REAL stuffs start here

agents: list[str] = ["saving-agent", "cd-agent"]
options: list[str] = agents + ["FINISH"]

logger = container[logging.Logger]

# instantiate the AzureOpenAIService and get the completion model
llm = container[IAzureOpenAIService].get_model()

# Define the system prompt
system_prompt = (
    "You are my bank agent tasked with managing a conversation between the"
    f" following agent: {agents}. Given the following my request,"
    " respond with the agent to act next. Each agent will perform a"
    " task and respond with their results and status. When finished,"
    " respond with FINISH."

# customer agent node. This is the main node that routes to the next agent
# based on the response to the saving or CD interest rate agents, or finishes
# this is the "job" of the supervisor (we named it as customer agent)
# unlike in the previous blog, we use conditional nodes.
def customer_agent_node(
    state: MessagesState,
) -> Command[Literal[*agents, "__end__"]]:  # type: ignore
    messages = [
        {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
    ] + state["messages"]

    for message in messages:"Message: {message}")

    response = llm.with_structured_output(Router).invoke(messages)
    goto = response["next"]

    if goto == "FINISH":
        goto = END

    return Command(goto=goto)

class Router(TypedDict):
    """Agent to route to next. If no agents needed, route to FINISH."""

    next: Literal[*options]  # type: ignore

# helper function to create an agent node (saving or CD agent)
def create_agent_node(
    name: str, agent: CompiledGraph
) -> Callable[[MessagesState], Command[Literal["customer_agent"]]]:
    def node(state: MessagesState) -> Command[Literal["customer_agent"]]:
        result = agent.invoke(state)
        return Command(
                "messages": [
                    HumanMessage(content=result["messages"][-1].content, name=name)

    return node

def build_graph() -> CompiledStateGraph:
    saving_agent = create_react_agent(
        state_modifier="You are the saving account agent. You are "
        "tasked with providing the saving interest rate.",
    cd_agent = create_react_agent(
        state_modifier="You are the CD account agent. You are "
        "tasked with providing the CD interest rate.",

    saving_node = create_agent_node("saving-agent", saving_agent)
    cd_node = create_agent_node("cd-agent", cd_agent)

    # we can see that there is only one edge from START to "customer_agent"
    # which is the supervisor node.
    builder = StateGraph(MessagesState)
    builder.add_edge(START, "customer_agent")
    builder.add_node("customer_agent", customer_agent_node)
    builder.add_node("saving-agent", saving_node)
    builder.add_node("cd-agent", cd_node)
    return builder.compile()

async def run(graph: CompiledStateGraph):
    # sending in the human message to the graph and routing begins
    async for state in graph.astream(
            "messages": [
                    content="Advise me to keep my money in saving account if the saving interest "
                    "rate higher than the CD interest rate. Otherwise, advise me to "
                    "put my money in CD account.",
    ):"graph.astream: " + str(state))

        if "agent" in state[1] and "messages" in state[1]["agent"]:  # type: ignore
            agent_name = state[0][0]  # type: ignore
            for message in state[1]["agent"]["messages"]:  # type: ignore
                if message.content:
                    print(f"Agent {agent_name}: {message.content}")
                elif message.tool_calls:
                    for tool_call in message.tool_calls:
                        print(f"Tool: {tool_call["name"]}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    graph = build_graph()

This is how the graph looks like

As mentioned above, there is only one edge from the START node to Customer Agent (Supervisor) node.

