Bing Search as tool for OpenAI


Image from
Image from

Many times, we need to search for information in the web when we are working with OpenAI. One of the reasons is that the dataset for training for OpenAI is never up to date. For instance, the OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo has knowledge of events up to April 2023.

Here is the Python implementation with Pydantic model.


python = "^3.10"
pydantic-settings = "^2.1.0"
pydantic = "^2.5.2"
azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch = "^2.0.0"


These are the environment parameters needed. Have the following in a .env file.


We look under "Keys and Endpoint" for these values.

Pydantic Setting Model

from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings

class BingSearchSettings(BaseSettings):
    azure_bing_search_endpoint: str
    azure_bing_search_key: str

    class Config:
        env_file = ".env"
        extra = "ignore"

Pydantic Models

I use Pydantic most of the time, so I created a set of Pydantic models for Search results. This is optional because we only care about the snippets of search results.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class CognitiveSearchResponseQueryContext(BaseModel):
    original_query: str
    ask_user_for_location: bool | None = None

class CognitiveSearchWebImageObject(BaseModel):
    thumbnail_url: str
    width: int
    height: int

class CognitiveSearchWebPage(BaseModel):
    name: str
    url: str
    id: str | None = None
    thumbnail_url: str | None = None
    display_url: str | None = None
    snippet: str | None = None
    date_last_crawled: str | None = None
    deep_links: list["CognitiveSearchWebPage"] = []
    primary_image_of_page: CognitiveSearchWebImageObject | None = None

class CognitiveSearchImageThumbnail(BaseModel):
    width: int
    height: int

class CognitiveSearchImageObject(BaseModel):
    web_search_url: str
    name: str
    thumbnail_url: str
    content_url: str
    host_page_url: str
    width: int
    height: int
    thumbnail: CognitiveSearchImageThumbnail

class CognitiveSearchImages(BaseModel):
    id: str
    web_search_url: str
    is_family_friendly: bool
    value: list[CognitiveSearchImageObject]

class CognitiveSearchWebAnswer(BaseModel):
    web_search_url: str
    total_estimated_matches: int
    value: list[CognitiveSearchWebPage]

class CognitiveSearchRelatedSearchAnswer(BaseModel):
    text: str
    display_text: str
    web_search_url: str

class CognitiveSearchRelatedSearchAnswers(BaseModel):
    id: str
    value: list[CognitiveSearchRelatedSearchAnswer]

class CognitiveSearchVideo(BaseModel):
    web_search_url: str
    name: str
    description: str
    thumbnail_url: str
    content_url: str
    host_page_url: str
    width: int
    height: int
    motion_thumbnail_url: str
    embed_html: str
    allow_https_embed: bool
    view_count: int
    thumbnail: CognitiveSearchImageThumbnail
    allow_mobile_embed: bool
    is_superfresh: bool

class CognitiveSearchVideos(BaseModel):
    id: str
    web_search_url: str
    is_family_friendly: bool
    value: list[CognitiveSearchVideo]

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponseMainLineItemValue(BaseModel):
    id: str

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponseMainLineItem(BaseModel):
    answer_type: str
    result_index: int | None = None
    value: CognitiveSearchRankingResponseMainLineItemValue

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponseMainLine(BaseModel):
    items: list[CognitiveSearchRankingResponseMainLineItem]

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponseSidebarItemValue(BaseModel):
    id: str

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponseSidebarItem(BaseModel):
    answer_type: str
    result_index: int | None = None
    value: CognitiveSearchRankingResponseSidebarItemValue | None = None

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponseSidebar(BaseModel):
    items: list[CognitiveSearchRankingResponseSidebarItem]

class CognitiveSearchRankingResponse(BaseModel):
    mainline: CognitiveSearchRankingResponseMainLine
    sidebar: CognitiveSearchRankingResponseSidebar

class CognitiveSearchResponse(BaseModel):
    query_context: CognitiveSearchResponseQueryContext
    web_pages: CognitiveSearchWebAnswer
    related_searches: CognitiveSearchRelatedSearchAnswers
    images: CognitiveSearchImages | None = None
    videos: CognitiveSearchVideos | None = None
    ranking_response: CognitiveSearchRankingResponse

Search Tool

Next, we created a search tool.
from import WebSearchClient
from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials

from common.settings import BingSearchSettings
from models.cognitive_search import BingSearchResponse

def get_client(settings: BingSearchSettings) -> WebSearchClient:
    """Get Azure Cognitive Search client.

    :param settings: Azure Cognitive Search settings.
    client = WebSearchClient(
    client.config.base_url = "{Endpoint}/v7.0"  # workaround for a bug
    return client

def search(settings: BingSearchSettings, query: str) -> str:
    """Search Azure Cognitive Search.

    :param settings: Azure Cognitive Search settings.
    :param query: Query string.
    :return: Search results.
    web_data = get_client(settings=settings)
        query=query, text_decorations=True, text_format="HTML"
    results = BingSearchResponse(**web_data.as_dict())  # type: ignore
    if not results.web_pages or not results.web_pages.value:
        return ""

    # concatenate snippets into a single string
    return " ".join([v.snippet for v in results.web_pages.value if v.snippet])


To test it out, we can do
settings = BingSearchSettings.model_validate({})
results = search(settings=settings, query="Python")

and we got
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Note that we have text_decoration on in the function call to Bing Search and hence we got Python in the result.
    web_data = get_client(settings=settings)
        query=query, text_decorations=True, text_format="HTML"
