
Showing posts from December, 2023

Happy New Year, 2024 from DALL-E

generated by DALL-E Wishing everyone a happy new year. Year 2023 is great for me because I learned much about OpenAI. I am involved in a live deployment with it, and involved in a handful of interesting user scenarios around it. On top of this, a copilot hackathon. The image above is generated by DALL-E and following is the code. 1. Dependencies python = "^3.10" pydantic-settings = "^2.1.0" openai = "^1.3.8" 2. Environment Parameters OPENAI_AZURE_ENDPOINT="<your azure openai endpoint>" AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY="<your azure openai secret>" OPENAI_API_VERSION="2023-12-01-preview" OPENAI_DALLE_MODEL="dalle" Note: OPENAI_API_VERSION has to be 2023-12-01-preview otherwise you will get an exception openai.NotFoundError: Error code: 404 - {'error': {'code': '404', 'message': 'Resource not found'}} dalle  is the name of my dall-e-3 deployment model. You need to change it to

Bing Search as tool for OpenAI

  Image from Many times, we need to search for information in the web when we are working with OpenAI. One of the reasons is that the dataset for training for OpenAI is never up to date. For instance, the OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo has knowledge of events up to April 2023. Here is the Python implementation with Pydantic model. Dependencies python = "^3.10" pydantic-settings = "^2.1.0" pydantic = "^2.5.2" azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch = "^2.0.0" Environment These are the environment parameters needed. Have the following in a .env file. azure_bing_search_endpoint="" azure_bing_search_key="<key>" We look under "Keys and Endpoint" for these values. Pydantic Setting Model from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings class BingSearchSettings(BaseSettings): azure_bing_search_endpoint: str azure_bing_search_key: str class Config: