Azure Function App with Azure Map

Photo by Andrew Neel on
Photo by Andrew Neel on

In this blog, we showed how to expose two Azure Map API via Azure Function App. The source code is at this Git repo. We can expose more API following the same pattern. All the information on development and deploying application are in the file. Let's run through it.

1. Setup

1.1 Create Resource Group, Azure Map and Function App

Create Azure Map
Create Azure Map

Create Function App
Create Function App

When creating Function App, please have the followings

  1. Runtime stack = Python
  2. Version=3.8 (or a version that matches your Python version)

and add an Application Setting under Configuration Section. This allows the function app to make calls to Azure Map REST API.

    SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<the primary/secondary key of Azure map>

Add Application Setting
Add Application Setting

You should have the followings in your Resource Group once you are done
Apps in Resource Group
Apps in Resource Group

1.2 Git clone

On your laptop, Git clone the repository

git clone

1.3 Setup Python Virtual Environment & install Python packages

you use python (instead of python3) if you are not on mac-osx

cd azure-fn-map.git
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

1.4 Install Azure Functions Extension for VSCode

Azure Function App Extension
Azure Function App Extension

2. Development

To setup the development environment, please follow the Please remember to add the SUBSCRIPTION_ID in the local.settings.json file.

2.1 Debugger

Click on the Run Icon on the Left Icon Panel of vscode, and then click on the Attach to Python Functions option.

Debugging App
Debugging App

Once the debugger is up, you can point your browser to


2.2 Deploying to Azure Function App.

Click on the Azure Icon on the Left Icon Panel of vscode, and then click Deploy to Function App icon. Select the subscription and function app accordingly.

Deploy App
Deploy App

Once the deployment is done, you can point your browser to



We have shown a simple way to expose Azure Map API via Azure Function App. We can also implement caching to limit to hit on the MAP API. And you have many options with Azure Function App. For instance, we did not turn on the access control for the app that we have created.
