
Showing posts from July, 2023

Pinecone Vector Store

Image by  In this blog, we use Pinecone vector store to perform upsert and query operations. Like more of the implementation these days, it is effortless and the code is concise and simple. I am going to use the same data from my previous blog, Azure OpenAI: Similarity Search . I have an Azure OpenAI service. Please get one if you wish to run the code. Or you can get any OpenAI service. Dependencies python = "^3.9" langchain = "^0.0.228" openai = "^0.27.8" python-dotenv = "^1.0.0" pinecone-client = "^2.2.2" Environment Parameters OPENAI_API_TYPE="azure" OPENAI_API_BASE="https://<my-azure-instance>" OPENAI_API_KEY="<key>" OPENAI_API_VERSION="2023-05-15" TEXT_ENGINE="text-embedding-ada-002" EMBEDDING_DIMENSIONS="1536" PINECONE_VECTOR_STORE_KEY="<pinecone key>" PINECONE_VECTOR_STORE_ENV="<pine