Discarding some pages in PDF documents in Azure Blob Storage Container.
Image by https://www.pexels.com/@pixabay/ I was looking at how to discard some pages in a PDF document and generate a new PDF file without them. There are many applications that I can download to perform this task. And, there are also ways to do this online. Doing this online is not an option because PDF documents contain confidential information. The applications running on my MacBookPro are also not an option because my PDF documents are in Azure blob storage's container. Furthermore, there are many PDF documents that I need to work with, and I may repeat the same task in the future. Hence I am looking at this. Read the PDF files from a blob container, Get the splitting information from a file, Split the PDF document and write it back to a destination blob container. Here is the Python code, I am using Blob Storage Connection String, and we can use Shared Access Signature Token too (I have written a few blogs on SAS Token.). Dependencies Here are the dependencies PyPDF2 pytho